5 Proven Ways to Boost Your Word-of-Mouth Marketing in 2023

The Greatness Blog

5 Proven Ways to Boost Your Word-of-Mouth Marketing in 2023

In this article, we’ll recommend our top 5 easy yet effective techniques for creating an impressive oral advertisement strategy and taking your organization to new heights by 2023!

With digital content saturating the market, getting visibility in business is a huge challenge. While traditional marketing strategies are losing traction as consumers become more and more suspicious, one method that never fails to work is word-of-mouth marketing. 

In this article, we’ll recommend our top 5 easy yet effective techniques for creating an impressive Word of Mouth Marketing Strategy and taking your brand to new heights by 2023!


What is W.O.M.M. and why is so effective

Before delving further into it, let’s get to the basics of word-of-mouth marketing. Essentially, it is when customers spread information about a business or product among their peers – be it through verbal conversations, social media posts or other means. Unlike traditional advertising which requires investment from companies themselves; this form of promotion comes free and has much higher reliability as its source of origin is often perceived as being trustworthy.

As the digital age continues to evolve, so does consumer skepticism of traditional advertising. With a plethora of marketing messages coming from every direction, consumers have learned how to distinguish what feels like “marketing.” Therefore, businesses should prioritize word-of-mouth marketing in 2023. This type of communication carries more weight as people are likely to believe and act on their friends’ or family members’ recommendations due its reliability and trustworthiness.

Word-of-mouth marketing is invaluable in forming an active community around a business. When customers feel involved and welcomed, they are more likely to stay loyal to the company and advocate for it among their peers. This snowball effect leads to further success as each new customer increases the amount of word-of-mouth referrals exponentially!


Types of Word of Mouth Marketing Strategies

Business owners can create a strong word-of-mouth marketing approach by taking advantage of these five straightforward techniques. Word of mouth promotion is an effective way to advertise products or services and to cultivate a devoted following for your brand. Here are the top five methods that successful business operators use:

1- Use Instagram stories to show your audience that you are human:

People bond with other people, not merely companies. If you share your business’s tales and experiences or even a bit of yourself, it can help form an honest and more understandable rapport with your customers. This strengthens the trust they have in your brand while also prompting them to spread positive words about your company to their social circle; ultimately helping increase sales!


2- Build a non-business related channel to expand your social 


If you want to widen your online reach and create a strong connection with an even larger audience, it’s essential that you promote content on social media platforms that are not exclusively related to your business. Building a personal blog, creating an account for something outside of work or hosting podcasts is the perfect way to do this. Not only will this help grow your presence among potential customers but also expand your digital circle!


3- Sponsor local events:

Showing your support for the local community by sponsoring events such as charity runs, sporting tournaments, or cultural activities is an effective way to create brand recognition. Not only will it provide you with a chance to meet your prospective customers face-to-face and get their valuable input and feedback, but also give you leverage in building a positive reputation within the region!


4- Showcase your brand as an active member in your community:

Participating in local events, giving back to the community and supporting causes will not only demonstrate that your business is socially responsible, but it can also help build trust with customers. As a result of this loyalty they are likely to share information about your company with their family and friends – driving even more footfall through word-of-mouth.


5- Leverage short videos on Youtube:

Have you ever thought of leveraging YouTube to effectively promote your business and strengthen its online presence? Producing short, captivating videos can certainly do the trick! From showcasing products or services to sharing stories of how your company makes a difference in people’s lives, there are countless opportunities for you. You could also provide helpful advice and tips about using your offerings that would further build strong customer relationships with those who follow you.


In summary, building a strong community and focusing on word-of-mouth marketing can be a key driver of business growth in 2023. By leveraging these simple tactics, business owners can increase trust, attract new customers, and encourage loyalty.


Don’t take my word for granted, just watch this episode on Shark Tank!

In Season 14, Episode 10, you’ll observe the far-reaching effects of social media on your business success. 

Despite having a great product or service, if you don’t have an online presence and a strong social media platform to showcase it on, then chances are that potential customers won’t be aware of it – leaving your business out in the cold!


Is your business in need of a marketing boost?

Let’s chat and explore how I can help you succeed! Reach out to me at mfgseo.co, and let’s get the ball rolling. I’m excited to discuss this opportunity with you soon!