6 Advantages of Testimonial Videos for Your Brand

The Greatness Blog

6 Advantages of Testimonial Videos for Your Brand

Testimonials Video, in particular, are particularly effective. While a text testimonial helps build trust, a video testimonial is much more personal and easier to relate to.

Almost nine out of ten consumers trust online reviews and testimonials as much as personal recommendations from friends and family. Testimonials help establish credibility and build much-needed social proof. 

Video testimonials, in particular, are particularly effective. While a text testimonial helps build trust, a video testimonial is much more personal and easier to relate to. Here are six advantages of using testimonial videos for your brand. 


1. They Establish Authority and Industry Leadership


Testimonials help establish your authority in the industry. They’re powerful because they provide social proof. They show that others are satisfied with their results – and that you have the expertise and dedication to give customers what they need. 

Social proof helps relieve the doubts that consumers have when they first come across a new brand. If they’ve never heard of you before, how can they look up to you as an authority? When others praise you, they give new customers a reason to look up to you. 

Video testimonials on your website are great, but if you really want to establish authority and industry leadership, you should get them published on other platforms as well. 

For example, you might run a campaign to get Twitter users to post short video testimonials on their Twitter feeds. You can then retweet and highlight the best ones in exchange for a prize, like a $250 off coupon. 

Having people post video testimonials on their own profiles will do wonders for establishing yourself as an authority. 


2. They Build Trust


Video testimonials also build trust. They show people that working with you will bring them the results and solutions they are looking for. Consumers rely on video testimonials and input from third parties to determine whether they can trust a brand or not. 

While any type of review and testimonial can build trust, testimonial videos go a lot further. That’s because they allow for more intimate and personal connections. 

In a video testimonial, the viewer can see the speaker’s facial expressions and hand movements. They can pick up on cues, like their tone of voice, that indicate just how satisfied the speaker was with your service and that they are speaking from the heart. 

If the speaker in a testimonial video relates a personal story, that’s even better. Personal stories will help viewers click with the speaker and identify with them and their issues. They will imagine themselves in the shoes of the speaker, paying for your products and enjoying the same benefits. 

Although consumers trust text testimonials, there is always that nagging doubt in the back of their minds that the review might be fake. A review on Google My Business, for example, often offers no information about the reviewer. 

Sometimes, there is a profile picture and evidence that the reviewer has left reviews for other businesses, strengthening trust. For the most part, though, reviews on Google are generally anonymous. While Google fights fake reviews, plenty do slip through the cracks. 

A video testimonial, on the other hand, shows that there is a real person behind the screen. The more video testimonials, the better. It’s not a bot or someone from inside your company leaving multiple reviews under different aliases. 

Personal stories and body language can help confirm authenticity to the viewer. If you can get the person leaving the testimonial to introduce themselves, that’s even better – it adds yet another element of trust. 


3. They Strengthen Your Relationship With Clients


Video testimonials also help strengthen your relationship with clients. They allow you to retain existing clients and get more repeat customers. People who bought from you a while back may be wondering whether it’s worth buying from you again. Whatever their hesitancy stems from, a video testimonial can reaffirm the benefits of purchasing your products or services. 

That’s why it’s so important to have current video testimonials. A video testimonial from a few years ago is better than no testimonial at all. However, publishing new and fresh video testimonials shows that you have a steady stream of satisfied clients and that the quality of your services has only improved. 

Testimonial videos help create brand loyalty. You can even combine them with a loyalty campaign or incentivize existing customers to create video testimonials by offering entries into a raffle for a special prize. 

Above all, video testimonials allow you to create longer-lasting, personal relationships with new and existing clients. They take trust to a whole new level. 


4. They Add Emotion to Your Brand and Story


Video testimonials do what text testimonials can’t – bring emotion into your brand and story. Did you know that 93% of communication is non-verbal? Fifty-five percent is visual, and 38% is vocal. 

In other words, words or text can only encapsulate 7% of human communication. The remaining 93% of the message is lost. 

Testimonial videos allow you to bring that 93% back. They allow you to show a different side of your company – a caring, respectful, and emotional side. In the testimonial, the speaker can talk about how your products or services affected them and improved their life. They can express emotions like gratitude, happiness, satisfaction, contentment, and joy. 

Associating your business with these positive emotions will lead to more sales and conversions. You need a brand story that people can identify with, and video testimonials help add feeling to your story so that people can identify with it. 

People often base their purchasing decisions based on how they feel at any given moment. If a video testimonial can make someone feel hopeful or happy, they will be more inclined to purchase your product. There’s a reason so many people go on to buy products after watching positive video testimonials – that’s because they feel good about spending money. 


5. They Can Be Part of Your Marketing Campaign


Testimonial videos can also play an essential role in your marketing campaigns. Did you know that two out of three consumers are more likely to buy something or pay for a service after watching a video demonstrating how it has helped someone like them? 

There are many ways to incorporate video testimonials into your advertising campaigns. It’s best if you can advertise on a video-based platform like YouTube. YouTube allows you to display short ads before videos. 

Open your testimonial ad with a “hook” that captures the user’s attention. This hook needs to speak directly to the viewer – for example, you might have the speaker say something like, “One year ago, I faced this-and-this problem.” That would resonate with a viewer who faces a similar problem and has been seeking a solution. 

The reason you want to open with a hook that immediately captures the viewer’s attention is that many YouTube ads are skippable after a few seconds. You only have those few seconds to make an excellent first impression and capture the viewer’s attention before they press the skip button and go on to watch the video they originally intended to. 

Instagram and Facebook are two other platforms where video testimonials make for great ads. You can have video testimonials appear in users’ Facebook feeds, Instagram feeds, or Instagram story feeds. 

One of the traditional disadvantages of advertising on social media is that people go on those platforms to see updates from people they know, especially close friends and family members. As a brand, elbowing your way into the newsfeed and trying to catch users’ attention can be tricky. 

Video testimonials help you overcome that obstacle because they are so personal in nature. Even though the viewer doesn’t know the speaker in the video testimonial, it’s still a real human talking from their heart as opposed to a brand. 

Finally, you can place video ads on other websites using ad networks. It’s best to test out different platforms and see where you get the best results. You’ll get better results with better targeting. Facebook is great for that, as it has incredible targeting tools that really let you drill down and address your primary target audience. 


6. They Help Improve Exposure


Finally, video testimonials help improve exposure. People are more likely to share a video testimonial on social media than a promotional post. That’s especially true if the message resonates with the viewer, and they feel like it would resonate with their friends as well. 

Publishing video testimonials on multiple platforms is key to increasing exposure. Set up profiles on different social media platforms, like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Upload video testimonials to all of them. 

Video testimonials can also help you drive backlinks. People may link to a video testimonial you published on your website, for example, when reviewing your products or services. 


Final Thoughts


Video testimonials help add emotion to your brand story, draw people in with visual communication, and create personal connections with viewers. They build trust and increase sales. 

If you are not yet incorporating video testimonials into your campaigns, now is the time to start. Find customers who can help you create genuine video testimonials in which they speak their true feelings and talk positively about your brand. 

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Are You A Construction Company Or A Construction Brand?

The Greatness Blog

Are You A Construction Company Or A Construction Brand?

Wondering if you are a construction brand or a business? Advice from a Brand Marketing Agency.

James has done some small construction jobs and his customers have been sharing the results on social media. His business is booming. Quote requests are coming in almost daily. He’s so busy that is already sending business to other construction companies. But there’s one problem. James has no time to do anything else but work. Jenny is not feeling well, despite her success. She has a toddler and mom guilt keeps her up all night.


Can you relate with James? Is your construction business booming and now you’re starting to feel like this is too much?


Keep reading, ‘cause we are giving you our ultimate recipe to building a profitable construction business.


What’s a construction brand anyway?


A construction brand is a company that is known for its quality workmanship, customer service, and use of technology. A construction brand differentiates itself from the competition by having a clear identity that is communicated through all aspects of the business.


The best construction brands understand that it’s not just about the work they do, but also how they do it. They are constantly innovating and improving their processes. They treat their employees well and invest in their development. They focus on the customer experience and always deliver what they promise.

What are the 5 benefits of branding?


There are countless benefits to branding your construction company. Here are just a few:


  1. Increased visibility: A strong brand will make your construction company more visible in the marketplace and help you attract new customers.


  1. Improved customer loyalty: Brand loyal customers are more likely to return to your company for future projects and recommend you to their friends and family.


  1. Greater employee satisfaction: Employees who feel proud to work for a well-respected company are more likely to be productive and happy in their jobs.


  1. Access to new markets: A strong brand can help you enter into new markets and expand your business.


  1. Increased profits: Companies with strong brands typically outperform their competitors and enjoy higher profits.


In our example, if James wants to grow more revenue, he needs fewer clients with larger contracts. And that’s going to happen if he attracts those sales leads using construction brand marketing.


If you’re ready to take your construction company to the next level, it’s time to start thinking about branding. Branding will give you a competitive edge and help you build a successful business that lasts.


What’s Involved in the Branding Process?


The first step in branding your construction company is to define your brand. What makes your company unique? What do you want to be known for?


Once you have a clear understanding of your brand, you need to start communicating it to the world. This involves everything from choosing the right name and logo to developing a website and social media strategy. You also need to make sure that all of your marketing materials, from business cards to proposal templates, reflect your brand in a cohesive way.


Should you build a local brand?

Building a local brand has a lot of benefits.


For starters, it’s a great way to build trust with your community. When people see your company name and logo around town, they’ll start to associate it with quality workmanship and customer service. This can help you attract new customers and win repeat business.


Another benefit of building a local brand is that it can help you stand out from the competition. There are a lot of construction companies out there, so it’s important to find a way to differentiate yourself.


How do you develop a local brand? Start answering these questions:


  1. What made you start your construction company
  2. What’s your business story
  3. Who is your ideal customer
  4. What are your company values
  5. What’s your company culture like
  6. What sets you apart from the competition


Pro tip: Successful branding begins with a well-defined story that is RELATABLE to your market.


Your company name, logo, and tagline should help you share your brand story. And if you already have a name, but you recognize that it doesn’t help you share a story, you can always add a strong tagline.


For example, if your company name is Sunshine Construction Inc. and you want to localize your business name, you can do it by adding a tagline. Sunshine Construction – Builder in Central Texas.  


Keep in mind that people will be talking about you and they will Google you! For this reason, your brand story should be shared prominently on your website, business cards, and other marketing materials.


You also need to get involved in your community. Sponsor a little league team or donate to a local charity. Attend networking events and host open houses. The more people see your company name and logo, the more likely they are to remember it when they need construction services.

A construction brand example

A great example of a construction brand is M / I Homes. They identify themselves as one of the Nation’s Leading Home Builders. Their brand name has built online equity, based on how many people search “mi homes” online. Google has over 500,000 results for its brand name.


M I Homes has positioned itself to stand out from the crowd for its values. And this is a key element of building a successful brand. When you visit their website, you will be able to learn about their story, what makes them unique, and what are some of the processes and methods that they use that are different from other construction companies.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is key

As we mentioned earlier, your future buyers will Google you. This is where a great SEO marketing strategy comes handy.


SEO will help your website rank higher in Google search results when potential customers are looking for construction companies in your area.


The benefits of SEO go beyond just ranking higher in Google. A strong SEO strategy will help you:

  1. Generate more leads
  2. Build trust and credibility
  3. Attract high-quality prospects
  4. Increase brand awareness

SEO is a complex and ever-changing field, so it’s important to partner with a company that specializes in construction SEO. They will be able to help you identify the keywords that potential customers are using to find companies like yours and ensure that your website is optimized for those keywords.


Below is an example of M / I Homes online presence. They use effective SEO content strategies that have helped them gain brand recognition. And we say this, not because we work with them. We can find out how is a brand positioned online by using SEO tools.

What are the top construction brands?

Based on our research, the following are the top 5 construction brands in the U.S.:


  1. Pulte Homes
  2. Centex
  3. Perry Homes
  4. Ryan Homes
  5. Taylor Morrison

Use this list and see which of these brands are your “hero brand”. Notice how they communicate their brand story, their values, their culture, and how they connect with their audience on social media.


Keep in mind, that this list is simply based on search visibility. Not in revenue.

Need Construction Marketing Services in Austin?


If you are looking for an award-winning construction marketing agency in Austin, TX, contact us today. We would be happy to help you take your brand to the next level!

Does Branding Come Before Marketing?

The Greatness Blog

Does Branding Come Before Marketing?

Wondering if you should build a brand or build a business or both? How does that look like? Advice from a Brand Marketing Agency.

When it comes to your product launch strategy, it will require the right blend of approaches. I compare a brand success with a plane. Ever wonder how does a plane fly? It flies because of four forces. The four forces are lift, thrust, drag, and weight. 


Let’s take these four forces and relate it to your product launch. First, you have to have a great product. This is what I consider the “lift” force. Your product has to be able to take off and fly on its own. You can have the greatest marketing strategy in the world, but if your product stinks, it will never get off the ground. 


Second, you need the “thrust” force. This is your go-to market strategy. It’s how you’re going to generate demand for your product. 


Third, you need to consider the “drag” force. This is all of the things that can slow down or hinder your product from taking off. 


Fourth and finally, you need to consider the “weight” force. This is your overall business strategy. How much money are you willing to invest in this product? Is it a cash cow or a loss leader? 


These are all important factors to consider when launching your product. 


With a great marketing campaign can help create a successful product launch. But then what? How do you make a sustainable business outside of that one great launch? This is where a conversation about how to become a successful and sustainable brand comes handy.


Let’s dive in. 


If you’re about to launch a product, you might want to consider launching your brand first. And we’re not talking about waiting years until having an amazing brand. Building a successful brand can be done in less than six months. In some cases, depending on the level of influence of the people behind it, it can be even quicker.

So what is a brand, anyway?


Since brand and branding are two of the most misused concepts, let’s clarify what do we mean by brand, so we can be on the same page.


When we say that you need a brand, we’re not talking about your logo, colors, and website. That’s branding. A graphic designer will take care of that part. However, that alone won’t share the story of your business. 


As Jeff Bezos famously said, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” And this isn’t different, whether you are building a personal brand or a business brand.


You didn’t start a business without a reason, right? So what it is? What’s the story? What’s the problem you want to solve? Is the impact in people’s lives worth sharing? 


Pro tip: Successful branding begins with a well-defined story that is RELATABLE to your market. 

Some of the benefits of building a brand before launching a product include:


1) You gain customer loyalty

By building a strong brand, you create loyalty among your customers. They’re more likely to continue using your products and recommend them to others.


2) You build a connection that keeps users coming for more

A strong brand connection means customers are more likely to come back for more. They’ll also be more likely to try new products from your company, as they know they can trust your brand.


3) It gives your team a sense of direction and motivation

Launching a product can be a daunting task. By having a clear brand identity, you can give your team a sense of direction and purpose. This will make them more motivated to work on the product and see it through to launch.


4) You can grow a bigger digital footprint

A strong brand presence online can help you reach more potential customers. It can also help with search engine optimization, as potential customers are more likely to find your product if they know your brand.


5) It can help with reputation management 

In today’s digital age, it’s important to have a good reputation online. By launching your brand first, you can start to build a positive reputation before your product even launches. This can help ensure that customers have a positive experience with your product and are more likely to recommend it to others.

How do you share a brand story?

Now that you’re inspired to consider taking some time and resources to build your company brand, let’s go over some brand stories, starting with Tesla.


So how does Tesla do it? 


How has Tesla become one of the most valuable car companies in the world without spending a dime on advertising? It all comes down to storytelling. Tesla tells its story through its product. Every Tesla is designed to be the safest, quickest, and most pleasurable car to drive. They are constantly innovating and pushing the limits of what’s possible with electric vehicles. As a result, Tesla has built a strong emotional connection with its customers. And when you have a strong emotional connection with your customers, they will do your marketing for you. 


Pro tip: When you build a strong emotional connection with your customers, they will do your marketing for you.


As you might have noticed, Facebook rebranded recently and changed its name from Facebook to Meta.

Why did Facebook change its name to Meta?

Zuckerberg said it was time to turn the page on a new chapter. Meta’s name is directly related to metaverse, a new world built in virtual reality.


In reality, Facebook’s move was smart. The social platform had been under fire for spreading misinformation and other issues, so rebranding gave them a chance to give the media a new story.


You would figure that this time, Meta needed to come up strong, from the get-go. And they did. One of my favorite examples of how they’re sharing Meta’s brand story is their magical gate at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS), transforming one of the terminal’s gate areas and adding 120 fantastical new air service destinations to the airport. 


When you’re at Meta’s imaginary gate, you’ll see their imaginary destinations. Smart move! A great way to generate stories – at the emotional level! 


Do you see a pattern here?


A great brand story tells the narrative of your brand, including where you’ve come from and where you are going. A great brand story must be true, authentic, and honest. It cannot be made up or derived; consumers sniff out inauthenticity in a heartbeat and will punish you for it.


Launching a product without first building a brand can be risky. Customers may not know who you are or what you stand for, and they may not be as likely to take a chance on your product. By launching your brand first, you can create awareness and build trust with potential customers before you even launch your product.

Great brands have great brand marketing


Brand marketing is promoting a brand’s products or services in a way that elevates the brand as a whole. It involves creating and maintaining brand-consumer relationships and marketing brand attributes—the traits that people think of when they picture a particular brand.

In Conclusion


Building a brand is essential to the success of any business, whether you’re just starting out or have been in the game for years. It’s what sets you apart from your competition and allows you to create a connection with your consumers.


Do you think you have a story worth sharing and you want to leverage it and monetize it? Let’s chat! Schedule a complimentary branding consultation with our experts.