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Life Coaching Marketing: Tips for Attracting Clients and Building an Audience Online and Offline

If you’re a coach, this article is for you! Let’s take your coaching business to the next level with a client attraction system

As a coach or consultant, you know that the success of your business depends on your ability to attract new clients. However, without a system in place, it can be challenging to consistently bring in new business. 

In this article, we’ll outline the steps to building a life coaching marketing system for attracting clients that will help you to grow your business and achieve your goals.

Let’s roll 😊

Client Attraction Tip For Coaches #1: Define Your Ideal Client


The first step in building a life coaching marketing plan template for attracting clients is to define your ideal client. This means understanding who your target audience is, what their needs and pain points are, and how your services can help them. Take the time to conduct market research and create buyer personas that represent your ideal clients. This will help you to create targeted messaging and content that resonates with your audience.

Let’s say you’re a life coach who specializes in helping women in their 30s and 40s who are struggling with work-life balance. To define your ideal client, you would start by conducting market research to understand the needs and pain points of this target audience. You might find that many women in this demographic are feeling overwhelmed by the demands of their career and family life, and are looking for strategies to achieve greater balance and fulfillment.

Next, you would create buyer personas that represent your ideal clients. These personas might include details such as age, occupation, income level, and family status, as well as specific challenges and goals. For example, you might create a persona named “Stressed-out Sarah,” who is a 35-year-old marketing manager with two young children and a demanding job. Sarah is struggling to juggle her work and family responsibilities and is looking for ways to achieve greater balance and reduce her stress levels.

By creating buyer personas like Sarah, you can create targeted messaging and content that resonates with your target audience. 

Create Buyer Personas Using AI


Not sure where to start? Use AI Marketing for life coaches! For example, you can ask Chat GPT (we’re using GPT 4) to give you buyer personas. In this case, I asked for buyer persons for a life coach that wants to help working moms. Here are the 3 buyer personas that it gave me:

  1. Busy Beth – Beth is a 38-year-old working mom of two young children who works as a project manager at a tech company. She is struggling to balance the demands of her job with the needs of her family, and often feels overwhelmed and stressed. Beth is looking for a life coach who can help her to develop strategies for achieving greater work-life balance and reducing her stress levels.
  2. Stressed-out Sarah – Sarah is a 35-year-old working mom of a toddler and a newborn who works as a nurse at a local hospital. She often feels exhausted and burned out, and struggles to find time for self-care and relaxation. Sarah is looking for a life coach who can help her to prioritize her own needs and develop a self-care routine that fits into her busy schedule.
  3. Overwhelmed Olivia – Olivia is a 42-year-old working mom of three school-age children who works as a marketing manager at a large corporation. She is juggling multiple responsibilities, including her job, her children’s extracurricular activities, and her aging parents’ needs. Olivia often feels like she is running on fumes and is looking for a life coach who can help her to manage her time more effectively and find ways to simplify her life.

Knowing the buyer personas can help you tailor your voice. In this case, knowing that you’re talking to moms in healthcare, tech, or management is key to create content that resonates with them.

Client attraction tip for coaches #2: Develop a Content Strategy


Developing a content strategy is an important part of attracting new clients as a coach or consultant. Here’s a list of content types and what they’re good for:

  1. Blog Posts – Blogging is a great way to showcase your expertise and provide valuable information to your target audience. Blog posts can be used to educate your audience, share your personal experiences, and offer tips and advice. They can also help to drive traffic to your website and improve your search engine rankings. Ideally, when you’re starting, you want to be uploading at least 2x per week.
  2. Videos – Videos are an engaging and effective way to communicate your message to your audience. They can be used to share your story, provide tutorials or how-to guides, and showcase your personality and brand. Videos can be shared on social media, embedded in blog posts, or hosted on video platforms like YouTube. And if you’re blogging, you can turn your blogs into videos! Lumen 5 is a great tool for this!
  3. Social Media Posts – Social media is a powerful tool for building your brand and engaging with your audience. Social media posts can be used to share your blog posts, videos, and podcasts, as well as to provide updates about your business and share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your life. They can also be used to run social media ads and promote your services to a wider audience.
  4. E-Books – E-Books are a valuable tool for providing in-depth information and insights to your audience. They can be used to offer a more comprehensive guide or resource than a blog post or video, and can be offered as a lead magnet to attract new subscribers to your email list. E-Books can also be sold as a product to generate additional revenue for your business.
  5. Webinars – Webinars are a great way to engage with your audience in real-time and provide valuable information and insights. They can be used to showcase your expertise, offer a training or workshop, or provide a behind-the-scenes look at your business. Webinars can also help to generate leads and attract new clients to your coaching or consulting services.

By creating a variety of content types, you can reach a wider audience, engage with your target market, and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Pro tip: Be sure you create a synergy between your content and what you sell. For example: if you sell a system to help moms in burnout, write a series of content discussing the possible ways to avoid burnout.

Client attraction tip for coaches #3: Develop a Signature Talk


A signature talk is a presentation or speech that showcases your expertise and unique perspective on a topic. Developing a signature talk is an important part of attracting new clients because it allows you to demonstrate your value, establish your credibility, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Here’s why:

  1. Demonstrates Your Value – When you develop a signature talk, you’re offering your audience something of value. You’re sharing your expertise, insights, and experiences, and providing them with actionable advice and strategies. By offering something of value, you’re demonstrating to your audience that you’re a credible and trustworthy source of information and advice.
  2. Establishes Your Credibility – Developing a signature talk can help to establish your credibility and position you as an authority in your field. When you deliver a polished, professional presentation, you’re showing your audience that you’re serious about your work and committed to helping others. This can help to build trust and establish your reputation as an expert in your field.
  3. Connects with Your Audience – When you develop a signature talk, you have the opportunity to connect with your audience on a deeper level. By sharing personal stories and experiences, you can create a sense of empathy and understanding that helps to build rapport with your audience. When your audience feels that you understand their needs and challenges, they’re more likely to trust you and seek out your services.

Developing a signature talk takes time and effort, but the benefits are well worth it. A signature talk can help you to attract new clients, establish your credibility, and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Pro tip: Your signature talk can be as tiny as your elevator pitch and as big as your 3-day conference! You should be able to communicate your talk in a short sentence. For example: I help working moms in the healthcare industry who are suffering from mom guilt.

Client attraction tip for coaches #4: Build an Audience Offline


While online marketing is a powerful way to build an audience, offline marketing can also be an effective strategy for attracting new clients to your coaching or consulting business. Here are some tips for building an audience through offline marketing:

  1. Attend Networking Events – Networking events, conferences, and trade shows are a great way to meet potential clients and build relationships with other professionals in your industry. Attend events that are relevant to your niche, and come prepared with business cards, brochures, or other materials that showcase your services.
  2. Speak at Events – Speaking at events is a powerful way to establish yourself as an authority in your field and build your audience. Look for opportunities to speak at conferences, seminars, or other events that are relevant to your niche. Develop a polished presentation that showcases your expertise and offers practical insights and advice.
  3. Host Workshops or Seminars – Hosting your own workshops or seminars is another way to build your audience and attract new clients. Offer a free or low-cost workshop that provides value to your target audience and showcases your expertise. Make sure to collect contact information from attendees so you can follow up with them after the event.
  4. Participate in Community Events – Participating in community events, such as charity fundraisers or local festivals, is a great way to raise awareness about your business and connect with potential clients. Set up a booth or table and offer free consultations or other incentives to attendees.
  5. Use Traditional Advertising – Traditional advertising methods, such as print ads or radio spots, can still be effective in building your audience. Consider placing ads in local newspapers or magazines, or sponsoring a radio show or podcast that is relevant to your niche.

In closing


If you want to take your coaching practice to the next level, building a client attraction system will help you grow a business you love. And the sooner you can start working on the marketing strategies we’ve shared above, the better. So don’t hesitate to reach out! We have marketing packages for coaches like you! Book a complimentary call.

Marketing For Greatness- Jessica Campos, Forensic Marketing